Time Management for Children
After watching the videos, test your knowledge by taking the assessment. Copy the link below and paste in a new tab: Get 100% and I’ll send a certificate of completion to your email address.
Subject-Verb Agreement Made Easy
Subject-Verb Agreement (Concord) in English Language grammar does not have to be a hard nut to crack. These 9 tricks will teach you all you need to master this seemingly complex topic. Take this quiz to test your knowledge. Prefer a shorter video? Watch a short version of the same topic here.
Pronouns: Nominative and Objective Made Easy
This video simplifies subject and object pronouns – a topic many students (and adults) struggle with in English Language. In 10 easy tricks you will master this topic. After watching the video, take this quiz to test your knowledge. Do you prefer a shorter video? Then click here to watch a shorter version.