Lemme shock you! Poor believers are not assets to God’s Kingdom. Lemme be nice & not call them liabilities. But they are a burden to other believers. We don’t want to talk about money in the church, yet we all think about it daily. There’s nothing sacred about being poor. It is a thorn in the flesh of many church leaders.
Ok. Looks like I started on Gear 5.
Let me slow down. Back up a bit to Gear 2.
Where did this whole journey begin? Last week, I wrote about ‘Why you need a pastor in your life.’ This week, I have jumped to why you need money in your life. What’s the connection… pastor na money, abi pastor too like money?😂😂😂
Oya… let us press throttle and move to Gear 3.
You cannot fulfil the ministry God has given you alone. You need at least two things: a Pastor as a guide and resources for execution.
Psst! Don’t get it twisted – everyone has a ministry. I’m not referring to the Sunday-Sunday tonic you dish and drink within the four walls of a pious gathering (e.g. Usher, Choir, Sunday School teacher), but the work God requires you to do with your life Monday to Sunday. Yep… that bus conductor you despise, is in ministry😁.
Wait fess… bus conductor? Does God ever want anyone to be a bus conductor or bread-seller or moin-moin carrier🍞? Those guys are broke mehn!
Well, you probably haven’t read the Olajumoke story or that of the Madam No-Left-Overs who sold moin-moin to the White House.😉 Before you dream away, come back here and finish reading!
Gear 4!
If there’s any gift or skill in you, it has the potential to be optimised to the highest platform. You are not going to the grave with what God has given you. You are going to finish this life emptied of all God’s virtues and investments so that you are bringing value to every day you live on this earth.
Did I hear an amen?
Oya… it af do… you want more abi? Mark your calendar 📅 and look out for next week’s post.
Gear 1… park!
Enter comment and let us yarn!
7 thoughts on “Demystifying Wealth”
Cool read. Money answereth all things.
Ori Olorun pe se!
Cool mehn!! Me likey! 👌🏽 More Grace sir!
Yaay!!! Glad you like it.
I’m desperate to empty all God has deposited in me to do as part of His plans regarding mankind. I don’t want to look at my life played back in heaven and discover loads of assignment left unfulfilled! Jeez that’ll hurt so bad! What would be the excuse? If He had it in His plan for me then I ought to align and get it done! I write this with a heavy heart!
And the Lord who sees all hearts including yours and mine will see also that you qualify for more and will be faithful with it. May He bless us and may we make His name great with these blessings. Thanks for reading Halimah!
Thank you for sharing, Leke. You write so beautifully.