Pop quiz:
Which of these best describes who a pastor is?
- A life coach
- A gifted therapist
- An inspirational mentor
- A deep teacher
Only one is the correct answer #TrickQuestion. Type your selection in the comment box.
Who is a pastor? Let’s start with that.
Simply put, a pastor is anyone who is to you what Jesus was to his disciples.
Jesus did not just know his disciples by name. He knew their family members by name; knew their troubles; was involved in their private lives and took on their matters personally. He did not only teach them, but he also fed them, healed them and saved them when in trouble.
In the light of this, may I ask you – who is your pastor? Is it possible that the person who has truly been pastoring you is different from the one leading your church?
The job of a pastor is huge. The roles they play are much and no one man can play that many roles for a crowd. Truth is that Jesus was not a Pastor to the multitude; he was a teacher to them. But to the 12 disciples whom he chose and called; he was their pastor. Why 12 though? Perhaps that’s the maximum any man could possibly pastor. If you wish to impact more people, then equip your 12 to become like you – pastoring their own 12.
Why do you need a Pastor?
Do you want to be fruitful and purpose-driven in life? Do you want to be able to stand confidently before God and say you lived a life pleasing to him? Then you need a pastor. A pastor does not only teach you but sticks around to ensure follow through. This system of accountability helps improve you.

You cannot achieve purpose in isolation. You need a family of like minds to grow – and a pastor provides an opportunity to meet such like minds. Man was made a herd, and you need to stick with a group to make any significant contribution. Your highest impact will not happen when you are alone. Life itself emphasizes this. You did not happen… you are a product of collaboration. This is a mutual relationship: Maturity cannot happen in remoteness; it happens in community. Interestingly though, community requires the maturity of the individuals that make it up to be successful.
One will chase a thousand, two will not chase (not two thousand but) ten thousand… that’s powerful!
The third reason you need a pastor is for your ministry. Now, don’t be quick to tune off on me. Believe it or not, you have a ministry.
Ministry is not what you have when you are a pastor. Your ministry is where you are – anything that God has given you the ability to do, so as to shape the culture and make impact on earth. We each have our own ministry.
When you have a pastor after God’s heart, you will be able to maximise your ministry. You will be able to use the gifts God has given you better. That is the benefit of having a pastor – helping you discover your ministry and grow in that service.
In summary, if you desire growth, family and influence, then you need a pastor.
Sadly though, some ‘pastors’ have stopped chasing God’s heart but have taken to chasing personal gratification. If you are a victim of any of these men. Don’t give up on God on their account. Don’t lose hold on your ministry. Thrive in spite your struggles. May God say of you, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant!’
There are several questions you might have. Let me list them here and create room for some people to share answers in the comment box.
- Do you have a pastor?
- How do you know that who you have is actually your pastor?
- What ‘pastors’ must you run away from? #Japa!
- How do you become a pastor to someone else?
- Who are you a pastor to?
- How do you ensure that you are playing this role in someone’s life?
- How do you know if you are mature or on the path?
- Can your pastor affect your place in eternal life?
- Can I correct my pastor?
- Can I have different pastors for a specific purposes e.g. deliverance, teaching, etc?
Still wondering what the answer to the pop quiz is? Let’s chat in the comment section then!
8 thoughts on “Do I Need a Pastor? Part 2”
I’m finding it hard to choose between the life coach and a deep teacher; because to me a pastor is both. You did say only one was correct but oh well…….
Nice write up;exceptionally love the ministry part.
Thanks for reading and engaging Adura. What do you think – a life coach would teach you deeply wouldn’t (s)he? So, what’s your final answer?
I would go with deep teaching.
Nice write up.
Hmmmmm… ministry!!!
You necessarily do not need a pastor and yes you do need a pastor
You need a pastor to guide and counsel, to teach, to accompany spiritually
You need a pastor to be on the right path
You need a pastor to help
On the other hand
The Bible says the lord has given us power and authority over everything whatsoever
Thus incudes things on earth and in heaven
Yo my own believe, I think after you must have gotten every necessary guidance and counseling from a true pastor led by the Holy spirit, the remaining is yours to do. The business is no longer between you and your pastor or spiritual leader it’s now a race involving you and the trio which most definitely becomes personal and so however way it ends shouldn’t involve your pastor
For instance, the holy spirit is supposed to be your connection to the almighty not your pastor.
D. K Olukoya said its a do-it-yourself policy, especially when you have been taught, guided, counseled in the right way with the right understanding
Now your needing a pastor shouldn’t be paramount especially if it is not in a tough and traumatising situation.
God created you as he created your pastor, he hears you just like he hears your pastor, he knows you just like he knows your pastor. The only barrier between you and God and which comes occasionally is that thing called sin which you must demolish so there can be access
If that is done you might not necessarily need your pastor. Who knows, the pastor himself might have his demon he is fighting hard to conquer so most definitely won’t be able to connect at that point when you need to, then the confusion comes.
I’m conclusion, you do not really need your pastor most especially if you have been grounded in the depth of the word
Hi Iyinyemi. It is nice to read from you.
Get this right, the devil wants us isolated and separated. He has succeeded in selling a lie to some people that they can serve and please God alone. There’s no self-made believer. God Himself does not exist alone. He has never made anything significant alone. Even the most solid Christian needs someone lead, guide and serve God together with.
So let it be clear, you need a Pastor (the life coach, not just the preacher). Someone to walk this journey with you. I pray you find someone like that and that you become someone like that for others.
I agree
A life coach, I believe.
Indeed, a life coach. That’s who Jesus was to his 12 and what you and I are to be to our twelves. Do you have a 12? Are you building a list?